Ultimately it is up to you to do decide if psychedelics are right for you. Make sure to do your own research on any mental or physical conditions you may have and how they may impact your experience.
NOT good for folks with:
Schizophrenia or a first degree relative with this diagnosis
Bipolar or a first degree relative with this diagnosis
Borderline Personality Disorder or other personality disorders
People who are pregnant or breastfeeding
People who are suicidal, homicidal, or experiencing suicidal ideation
People who do not have a safe living situation or any support system
Good for folks with:
Addiction / Substance Use Disorder (esp psilocybin)
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (esp MDMA)
Eating Disorders / Body Dysmorphia
Existential Depression aka “I’m not depressed, but life feels kinda bleh”
Desire to Increase Self Love and Compassion
Desire for Spiritual Growth (esp psilocybin)
Research shows that with proper set and setting (meaning the physical place you are in, who you are around, and your internal mindset) psychedelics are pretty darn safe.
There are exceptions based on your personal and familial medical history. See the FAQ “Is this right for me?”
Psychedelic medicine doesn’t feel like any other experience you’ve had before, if you are new to psychedelics. Each persons’ journey is unique AND each individual journey is unique.
Some people may be taken on an intense visual journey, and others have deep realizations about their life experiences and what changes need to occur. Some people will see and feel very challenged by what they experience, others will be joyfully dancing, and some will have moments of both challenge and deep joy. Some people have mystical experiences that alter their spiritual outlook, and yet others will just feel deeply relaxed, with none of the above experiences.
It can be hard to not know what you will get, but part of the process is letting go of knowing what will happen and being attached to a specific outcome or experience.
The type of journeys we do together are about going internal; this looks like creating a safe and supportive space, wearing an eye mask, and using curated playlists to help take you deep within yourself. I will help you to prepare your body and mind for this experience, along with all of the detailed practical matters, like what to wear.
In Western societies, we are taught that the medicine does the work and
we can just sit back and let it happen. However, for psychedelic medicines to be truly effective, they need to be used in conjunction with other practices such as: talk therapy, journaling, somatic therapy, bodywork, yoga, meditation, etc. This extended work with what you have learned while using psychedelics is called “integration” and it is how the real benefits enter your day to day life. -
ALLY is not licensed therapist or a doctor, and is not offering therapy. Working with a talk therapist before and after journeys can be a wonderful compliment to your journey preparation and integration.
For centuries, psychedelic medicines have been utilized by indigenous cultures to help heal the body, mind, and spirit. As Westerners have begun to explore psychedelics as a healing modality, we have put it through our westernized lens and medical system.
Having a journey outside of a clinical setting can offer a lot of benefits; there are less extreme power dynamics, the cost is lower, the environment can often feel more comfortable, and there is more freedom and flexibility.
Psychedelics can’t be used if you are currently taking a daily anti-anxiety or antidepressant medication — you need to work with your doctor to taper off of your prescription first.
Antidepressants can save lives. Only you will know if you are interested and ready to taper off of your medication. It is important to know that the majority of clinical drug trials have followed people taking antidepressants for only 8-12 weeks, with a handful of trials lasting 2 years.
You must review all of your medications before working with psychedelics.
It depends on what your goals and intentions are. In most research trials, there are typically 1-3 journeys taken, roughly 4-6 weeks apart. Many people feel called to continue working with psychedelics after this point and some do not. The medicine continues to help people after 3 journeys. My goal as a guide is to give you the tools to eventually feel comfortable working with these medicines without me there.
Currently psychedelic medicines are being reviewed by a task force within the State of Minnesota, due to the astounding benefits being seen in research trials. In 2023, an Executive Order made Minneapolis the first city in the Upper Midwest to deprioritize natural psychedelics. This Executive Order makes entheogenic indolamines, tryptamines, and phenethylamine lowest law enforcement priority, including psilocybin, ayahuasca, mescaline and iboga. This order also deprioritizes enforcement of entheogenic plants including, but not limited to, psilocybin, mushrooms, ayahuasca tea, mescaline, and iboga. It addresses practices with entheogens that have long enlisted within Indigenous cultures and communities — practices protected by the American Indian Religious Freedom Act of 1978 and the Religious Freedom Restoration Act of 1993.
ALLY does not endorse or encourage the use of illegal substances, but understands that they are commonly being used by so many people without guidance. By providing guidance we aim to reduce harm and increase benefit.
People with all backgrounds and beliefs, including atheists and agnostics, can benefit deeply from working with psychedelics. Mystical experiences can occur that can shift peoples’ perspective, but sometimes that looks like a deepening of preexisting beliefs, or a connection with nature and humanity.
If we work together, we will discuss your belief system and make sure your experience feels comfortable for you.